Our Mission

To spread the meaning and power of mantras. Connecting soul to it’s spiritual master i.e. God.

Mantras are considered highly significant and hold a central place in religious and spiritual practices. The significance of mantras in Hinduism can be understood in several ways:

  • Spiritual Connection: Mantras are believed to have a direct connection with the divine. They are often considered the “sound body” of deities or cosmic energies. Chanting mantras is a way for individuals to establish a spiritual connection with the divine and seek blessings, guidance, and protection.
  • Meditation and Concentration: Mantras are used as a tool for meditation and concentration. Repetitive chanting of mantras helps calm the mind, reduce distractions, and focus one’s consciousness. This meditative aspect of mantras aids in self-realization and inner peace.
  • Transformation and Purification: Mantras are seen as a means of transformation and purification. Regular repetition of mantras is believed to purify one’s mind, body, and soul, helping individuals overcome negative thoughts and behaviors and aligning them with higher spiritual ideals.
  • Healing and Well-Being: Certain mantras are associated with healing and well-being. They are chanted to promote physical and mental health. For example, the Gayatri Mantra is often recited for its perceived ability to enhance wisdom and provide protection from diseases.
  • Rituals and Ceremonies: Mantras play a crucial role in Hindu rituals and ceremonies. They are recited during various religious ceremonies, such as pujas (worship rituals), weddings, and funerals, to invoke the presence of deities, seek their blessings, and sanctify the event.
  • Mantra Japa: Mantra japa refers to the practice of repeating a mantra a specific number of times as a form of devotion and worship. This practice is common among devotees and is considered a powerful means of invoking the divine and receiving divine grace.
  • Symbolism and Sound Vibration: Each syllable and sound in a mantra is believed to carry a specific vibrational energy. The arrangement of these sounds in a mantra is considered sacred and is believed to have a profound impact on the practitioner’s consciousness and the surrounding environment.
  • Liberation and Spiritual Progress: Some mantras, like the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra or the Om Namah Shivaya mantra, are associated with the pursuit of liberation (moksha) and spiritual progress. They are believed to help individuals transcend the cycle of birth and death and attain spiritual enlightenment.

Overall, mantras in Hinduism are revered for their ability to connect individuals with the divine, facilitate meditation and concentration, purify the self, and promote spiritual growth and well-being. They are considered a powerful and sacred aspect of Hindu religious and spiritual life.

Extraordinary Experiences

Praying or meditation is deeply personal and meaningful experience. While these experiences are subjective and can vary greatly from person to person, here are some extraordinary experiences that individuals have while meditating or praying to God:

  • Sense of Peace and Serenity: Have profound sense of peace and calmness when praying. Worries and anxieties temporarily lifted, and feeling a deep sense of tranquility.
  • Feeling of Connection: Feel a strong sense of connection with a higher power or with the universe. Prayers are a way of communicating with something greater than ourselves.
  • Answers to Questions: Receive answers to questions or guidance and clarity or a solution.
  • Healing: Experience physical or emotional healing as a result of prayers.
  • Overcoming Obstacles: Prayers help overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles and find strength during adversity.
  • Sense of Presence: Feel the presence of a divine being or a spiritual force. This sensation can be deeply moving and reassuring.
  • Gratitude and Thankfulness: Prayer can lead to a profound sense of gratitude. Feel thankful for blessings, relationships, or the beauty of the world.
  • Spiritual Growth: Over time, prayer can contribute to a sense of spiritual growth and a deeper understanding of one’s beliefs and values.
  • Community and Support: Praying with others, create a sense of community and support.
  • Miraculous Events: Experience miracles as a result of prayers. These can range from unexpected recoveries from illness to unlikely coincidences.